I must admit I hate exercising, however on a different note the benefits really do outweigh the drawbacks, it keeps you warm, it boosts energy and it can be relatively cheap or even free. It doesn’t take up much space either. You can buy an exercise DVD or watch online videos or if you are diligent you can do them yourself (DIY) to your own choice of music. The basics are jogging, sit-ups, push-ups, squat thrusts, squats, leg lifts and jumping jacks.Whatever exercise you do make sure you stretch before and after you work-out!
  Gar-maan Nq
  我必須承認我討厭鍛煉,然而從不同的角度來看,鍛煉利大於弊,鍛煉能幫助你保暖,它能增加能量並且鍛煉是相對實惠,甚至是免費的運動方式。它也不會占據很大的空間。你可以買運動的DVD或者看線上的視頻或者如果足夠勤快,你可以自選音樂,動腦筋自己設計。基本運動有搖晃身體,仰卧起坐,俯卧撐,下蹲後促腿動作,下蹲,抬腿或者開合跳。不管你做什麼運動,確保你在運動前都先做拉伸運動。  (原標題:Winter exercise)

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